Book Review: Your Child Is Not Broken By Heidi Mavir

Book Review: Your Child Is Not Broken By Heidi Mavir

‘Your Child Is Not Broken’ – By Heidi Mavir – Book Review

Completed it!
Thank you a million times to my lovely friend Samantha for the recommendation!

I wish I’d had this book 7 years ago when I was starting to be told I was an over anxious mother, one who was a ‘soft touch’ to my son, that I was making things up and that my son just needed to ‘get over his anxiety’ 🤬

But I have it now.

It was funny, tragic and cathartic to read.

Highly recommend to my beautiful friends & any one who is going through this battle currently-& neurodivergent parents everywhere!

It’s an easy read with some fabulous characters such as ‘Susi SEND’ and ‘Just fûck off Jenny’ 🤣

Here’s one of my favourite paragraphs…




Dear Heidi,

Thank you for putting this out into the world, it’s sorely needed.

Wishing you and Theo the absolute best in the world!

Here’s to being ‘THAT’ Mum! 🤘🏻


Love Lizz & Mums everywhere!

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